Topological waist inequalities (AG Topology)
- Date:17.11.2016
- Speaker:Meru Alagalingam
Time:15:45 h
Abstract: Gromov proved that every continuous map f: S^n \to R^q from the n-dimensional standard sphere admits a point y \in R^q such that the preimage f^{-1}(y) has (n-q)-dimensional Hausdorff volume at least vol(S^{n-q}).
Every continuous map f: T^n \to R^q from the n-dimensional torus admits a point y \in R^q such that the cohomology of the preimage f^{-1}(y) has rank at least (n-q).
We will explain why statements of this type are important and how they can be proven by the same technique.
- Place:SR 2.058 (20.30)