Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Department of Mathematics (MATH)
Institute of Algebra and Geometry (IAG)
RG Topology and Geometric Group Theory
Englerstraße 2
76131 Karlsruhe
Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30) | Room 1.014
Phone: + 49 (0) 721 608-42059
Office hours
Because of the current situation, please write an email to our secretary ines.knoch∂ before visiting us.
How you can find us
public transportation in Karlsruhe
The City of Karlsruhe has an excellent public transportation system which is provided by the Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund (KVV). If you are staying at the center of the city, the use of trams is highly recommended. During normal working hours, most tram-lines are served every ten minutes. Suburban public transport is entirely run by the KVV. One fortunate effect of this is that one may use the same transport ticket for all trams and buses. For more information and directions, visit the website of KVV.
If you take the train to Karlsruhe, you will find the tram stops located directly in front of the central station. You approach the Kollegiengebäude Mathematik by taking the tram lines 2 (directed to Wolfahrtsweier), 3 (directed to Heide) or S4 (Marktplatz/Heilbronn/Bretten) up to the tram stop "Kronenplatz". If you do not mind a short walk (<5 min), you may take one of the many more trams heading to the "Marktplatz", like S1, S11, S51, S52 etc.
The offices of the Research Group are on the campus, a short walk (<5 min) away from the tram stop "Kronenplatz". The address is Englerstr. 2, 76131 Karlsruhe. Our offices are on the first floor. There are maps showing the location of the offices inside the building.
How to reach Karlsruhe
- by train
You can find the train table information on the webiste of the Deutsche Bahn. Upon arrival at Karlsruhe main station (Hauptbahnhof) please take the main exit. Take the tram 2, 3 or S4 up to the tram stop Kronenplatz (see Section "public transport in Karlsruhe"). - by car
from the North
Take the A5 Autobahn (motorway), directed to Karlsruhe/Basel, until exit Karlsruhe-Durlach. Continue in the Karlsruhe direction (first exit). Follow the B10 up to crossing Kriegsstraße / Rüppurrer Straße.
from the North-West
Take the A61 Autobahn until you reach the A5. Then follow the instructions "from the North".
from the East
Take the A8 Autobahn in the Karlsruhe direction, until the "Karlsruhe Dreieck" junction. Then take the A5 in the Frankfurt direction, exiting at Karlsruhe-Durlach; follow the instructions in "from the North".
- by airplane
from Frankfurt: Frankfurt International Airport (FRA) is the best option and is well-connected by hourly high-speed rail (ICE) link to Karlsruhe. For further information see the web pages of the Deutsche Bahn (point of departure: "Frankfurt Fernflughafen"). Please follow the instruction "by train" after your arrival in Karlsruhe.
ist durch einen stündlich fahrenden ICE direkt mit Kalrsruhe verbunden. Die genauen Abfahrtzeiten finden Sie auf der Webseite der (Start-Bahnhof: "Frankfurt Fernflughafen").
other airports close to Karlsruhe:
Stuttgart Airport, Karlsruhe / Baden-Baden Airport, Strasbourg Airport (France)
Follow the parking signs in the center of Karlsruhe. There are several underground garages available near Kronenplatz.