Prof. Dr. Roman Sauer
- Leiter der AG Topologie und Geometrische Gruppentheorie
- Sprechstunden: nach Vereinbarung
- Raum: 1.001
- Tel.: +49 721 608-46325
- roman sauer ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- OrcId
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
MATH | IAG | AG Topologie und Geometrische Gruppentheorie
Englerstr. 2 | Mathebau (20.30)
76131 Karlsruhe
- The algebraic cheap rebuilding property
mit Kevin Li, Clara Löh, Marco Moraschini und Matthias Uschold
- Uniform waist inequalities for manifolds with Kazhdan fundamental group
mit Uri Bader
- On homological properties of the Schlichting completion
mit Laura Bonn
- Higher Kazhdan property and unitary cohomology of arithmetic groups
mit Uri Bader
Research articles
- Stability and instability of lattices in semisimple groups
mit Uri Bader und Alex Lubotzky und Shmuel Weinberger
J. Anal. Math. 151 (2023), 1-23.
[Journal] [arXiv:2303.08943] [MR4474178]
- Amenable covers and integral foliated simplicial volume
mit Clara Löh und Marco Moraschini
New York J. Math. 28 (2022), 1112–1136.
[Journal] [arXiv:2112.12223] [MR4474178]
- Volume and macroscopic scalar curvature
mit Sabine Braun
Geom. Funct. Anal. 31 (2021), no. 6, 1321–1376.
[Journal] [arXiv:2012.08999] [MR4386411]
- Bounded cohomology of amenable covers via classifying spaces
mit Clara Löh
Enseign. Math. 66 (2020), no. 1-2, 151–172.
[Journal] [arXiv:1910.11716] [MR4162286]
- Profinite invariants of arithmetic groups
mit Holger Kammeyer, Steffen Kionke und Jean Raimbault
Forum Math. Sigma 8 (2020), Paper No. e54.
[Journal] [arXiv:1901.01227] [MR4176758]
- S-arithmetic spinor groups with the same finite quotients and distinct l²-cohomology
mit Holger Kammeyer
Groups Geom. Dyn. 14 (2020), no. 3, 857–869.
[Journal] [arXiv:1804.10604] [MR4167024]
- Homology and homotopy complexity in negative curvature
mit Uri Bader und Tsachik Gelander
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 22 (2020), no. 8, 2537–2571.
[Journal] [arXiv:1612.04871] [MR4118615]
- Lattice Envelopes
mit Uri Bader und Alex Furman
Duke Math. J. 169 (2020), no. 2, 213–278.
[Journal] [arXiv:1711.08410] [MR4057144]
- Counting maximally broken Morse trajectories on aspherical manifolds
mit Caterina Campagnolo
Geom. Dedicata 202 (2019), 387–399.
[Journal] [arXiv:1808.08737] [MR4001823]
- An adelic arithmeticity theorem for lattices in products
mit Uri Bader und Alex Furman
Math. Z. 293 (2019), no. 3-4, 1181–1199.
[Journal] [arXiv:1705.08158] [MR4024582]
- Vanishing of l²-Betti numbers of locally compact groups as an invariant of coarse equivalence
mit Michael Schrödl
Fund. Math. 243 (2018), no. 3, 301–311.
[arXiv:1702.01685] [Journal] [MR3863061]
- l²-Betti numbers of totally disconnected groups and their approximation by Betti numbers of lattices
mit Henrik D. Petersen und Andreas Thom
J. Topol. 11 (2018), no. 1, 257–282.
[arXiv:1612.04559] [Journal] [MR3784232]
- Cantor systems and quasi-isometry of groups
mit Kostya Medynets und Andreas Thom
Bulletin of the LMS 49 (2017), no. 4, 709–724.
[arXiv:1508.07578] [Journal] [MR3725491]
- Topological models of finite type for tree almost automorphism groups
mit Werner Thumann
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2017, no. 23, 7292–7320.
[arXiv: 1510.05554] [Journal] [MR3801421]
- Integral foliated simplicial volume of aspherical manifolds
mit Roberto Frigerio und Clara Löh und Cristina Pagliantini
Israel J. Math. 216 (2016), no. 2, 707–751.
[arXiv:1506.05567] [Journal] [MR3557463]
- Volume and homology growth of aspherical manifolds
Geom. Topol. 20 (2016), 1035-1059
[arXiv: 1403.7319.] [Journal] [MR3493098]
- On the structure and arithmeticity of lattice envelopes
mit Uri Bader und Alex Furman
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 353 (2015), no. 5, 409–413.
[arXiv:1411.7332] [Journal] [MR3334993]
- L²-invisibility and a class of local similarity groups
mit Werner Thumann
Compositio Math.150 (2014), no. 10, 1742-1754.
[arXiv:1304.6843] [Journal] [MR3269466]
- On the growth of Betti numbers in p-adic analytic towers
mit Nicolas Bergeron und Peter Linnell und Wolfgang Lück
Groups Geom. Dyn. 8 (2014), no. 2, 311–329.
[arXiv:1204.3298] [Journal] [MR3231217]
- Weak notions of normality and vanishing up to rank in L²-cohomology
mit Uri Bader und Alex Furman
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2014, no. 12, 3177–3189.
[arXiv:1206.4793] [Journal] [MR3217658]
- On the cohomology of weakly almost periodic group representations
mit Uri Bader und Christian Rosendal
Journal of Topology and Analysis 6 (2014), no. 2, 153-164.
[arXiv:1302.1392] [Journal] [MR3191647]
- Integrable measure equivalence and rigidity of hyperbolic lattices
mit Uri Bader und Alex Furman
Inventiones Math. 194 (2013), No. 2, 313–379.
[arXiv:1006.5193] [Journal] [MR3117525]
- Efficient subdivision in hyperbolic groups and applications
mit Uri Bader und Alex Furman
Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 7 (2013), 263-292.
[arXiv:1003.1562] [Journal] [MR3054570]
- Euler characteristics of categories and homotopy colimits
mit Tom Fiore und Wolfgang Lück
Documenta Math. 16 (2011), 301-354.
[arXiv:1007.3868] [Journal] [MR2804514]
- Spectral distribution and L²-isoperimetric profile of Laplace operators on groups
mit Alexander Bendikov und Christophe Pittet
Mathematische Annalen 354 (2012), 43-72.
[arXiv:0901.0271] [Journal] [MR2957618]
- Finiteness obstructions and Euler characteristics of categories
mit Tom Fiore und Wolfgang Lück
Advances in Mathematics 226 (2011), no. 3, 2371–2469.
[arXiv:0908.3417] [Journal] [MR2739781]
- The limit of F_p-Betti numbers of a tower of finite covers with amenable fundamental groups
mit Peter Linnell und Wolfgang Lück
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139 (2011), 421-434.
[arXiv:1003.0434] [Journal] [MR2736326]
- L²-torsion, the measure-theoretic determinant conjecture, and uniform measure equivalence
mit Wolfgang Lück und Christian Wegner
Journal of Topology and Analysis 2 (2010), no. 2, 145-171.
[arXiv:0903.2925] [Journal] [MR2652905]
- A spectral sequence to compute L²-Betti numbers of groups and groupoids
mit Andreas Thom
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 81 (2010), no. 3, 747-773.
[arXiv:0707.0906] [Journal] [MR2650795]
- Degree theorems and Lipschitz simplicial volume for non-positively curved manifolds of finite volume
mit Clara Löh
Journal of Topology 2 (2009), no. 1, 193-225.
[arXiv:0710.1635] [Journal] [MR2499443]
- Simplicial Volume of Hilbert modular varieties
mit Clara Löh
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 84 (2009), no. 3, 457-470.
[arXiv:0706.3904] [Journal] [MR2507250]
- Amenable covers, volume and L²-Betti numbers of aspherical manifolds
J. Reine Angew. Math (Crelle's Journal) 636 (2009), 47-92.
[math.AT/0605627] [Journal] [MR2572246]
- Homological invariants and quasi-isometry
Geom. Funct. Anal. 16 (2006), no. 2, 476–515.
[math.AT/0312129] [Journal] [MR2231471]
- L²-Betti numbers of discrete measured groupoids
Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 15 (2005), no. 5-6, 1169–1188.
[math.AT/0312411] [Journal] [MR2197826]
- Power series over the group ring of a free group and applications to Novikov-Shubin invariants
Proceedings of the School High-Dimensional Manifold Topology, Trieste, 2003.
[pdf] [MR2048733]
- l²-Betti numbers of discrete and non-discrete groups
in: London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 447, Cambridge University Press 2018
[arXiv:1509.05234] [Journal] [MR3793289]
- Homotopy invariance of almost flat Betti numbers
mit Thomas Schick
Enseign. Math. (2) 54 (2008), no. 1-2 (Guido's book of conjectures)
[pdf] [MR2454697]
- Volume and L²-Betti numbers of aspherical manifolds
Proceedings of the Courant Colloquium Göttingen 2007 (ISBN 3-978-3-940344-56-4)
[Online edition] [pdf] [MR2906042]
- The asymptotic growth of twisted torsion
mit Nicolas Bergeron und Wolfgang Lück
Oberwolfach Seminar: Metric Topology of Aspherical Spaces
October 20 - 25, 2024, MFO
Weitere Organisatoren:
Clara Löh (Regensburg)
Roman Sauer (Karlsruhe)
Conference on "Homology growth in topology and group theory"
May 13 - 17, 2024, MPI f. Mathematik, Bonn
Weitere Organisatoren:
Grigori Avramidi (MPIM Bonn)
Dawid Kielak (University of Oxford)
Roman Sauer (KIT)
Workshop: Geometry, Topology and Computation
- Workshop
12. - 14. Juni 2019
Universität Heidelberg
Weitere Organisatoren: Peter Albers, Anna Wienhard
Workshop: Riemannian and Simplicial Volume
08. - 11. April 2019
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Weitere Organisatoren: Caterina Campagnolo, Clara Löh
Heidelberg-Karlsruhe-Strasbourg Geometry Day XII
30. November 2018
Universität Heidelberg
Weitere Organisatoren: Olivier Guichard, Enrico Leuzinger, Anna Wienhard
Heidelberg-Karlsruhe-Strasbourg Geometry Day XI
22. Juni 2018
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Weitere Organisatoren: Olivier Guichard, Enrico Leuzinger, Anna Wienhard
Heidelberg-Karlsruhe-Strasbourg Geometry Day VIII
01. Dezember 2017
Universität Heidelberg
Weitere Organisatoren: Olivier Guichard, Enrico Leuzinger, Anna Wienhard
Growth in Geometry and Topology
Summer School
21. - 25. August 2017
Les Diablerets
Weitere Organisatoren: Vincent Emery, Ruth Kellerhals, Stefan Wenger
Asymptotic geometry of groups and spaces
20. - 23. Februar 2017
Universität Heidelberg
Weitere Organisatoren: Daniele Alessandrini, Beatrice Pozzetti, Petra Schwer, Anna Wienhard
Heidelberg-Karlsruhe-Strasbourg Geometry Day VII
22. April 2016
Universität Straßburg
Weitere Organisatoren: Olivier Guichard, Enrico Leuzinger, Anna Wienhard
Heidelberg-Karlsruhe-Strasbourg Geometry Day VI
30. Oktober 2015
Universität Heidelberg
Weitere Organisatoren: Olivier Guichard, Enrico Leuzinger, Anna Wienhard
Klausurtagung Topologie
29. September - 3. Oktober 2015
Będlewo, Polen
Weitere Organisatoren: Piotr Nowak
Heidelberg-Karlsruhe-Strasbourg Geometry Day V
6. Juni 2014
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Weitere Organisatoren: Olivier Guichard, Enrico Leuzinger, Anna Wienhard
Heidelberg-Karlsruhe-Strasbourg Geometry Day IV
24. Januar 2014
Universität Heidelberg
Weitere Organisatoren: Olivier Guichard, Enrico Leuzinger, Anna Wienhard
Heidelberg-Karlsruhe-Strasbourg Geometry Day III
18. Oktober 2013
Université de Strasbourg
Weitere Organisatoren: Olivier Guichard, Enrico Leuzinger, Anna Wienhard
GGT-Conference 2013
7. - 11. Oktober 2013
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Weitere Organisatoren: Wilderich Tuschmann, Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen
Heidelberg-Karlsruhe-Strasbourg Geometry Day II
24. Mai 2013
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Weitere Organisatoren: Olivier Guichard, Enrico Leuzinger, Anna Wienhard
Heidelberg-Karlsruhe-Strasbourg Geometry Day I
18. Januar 2013
Universität Heidelberg
Weitere Organisatoren: Olivier Guichard, Enrico Leuzinger, Anna Wienhard
"Action-now" - Group Actions, their Dynamics and Geometry
11. - 12. Oktober 2012
Universität Berlin
Weitere Organisatoren: Tsachik Gelander, Holger Reich
Research Seminar on geometric group theory
Research Seminar
24. - 27. September 2012
Universität Münster
Weitere Organisatoren: Petra Schwer
Flows on homogeneous spaces
Minerva Summer School
2. - 7. September 2012
Technion in Haifa/Israel
Weitere Organisatoren: Uri Bader, Francoise Dal'Bo
New Horizons for Simplicial Volume and The Barycenter Method
AIM Square Program
6. - 10. August 2012
American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto
Weitere Organisatoren: Michelle Bucher, Chris Connell, Jean Lafont, Ben Schmidt
Geometry and Rigidity of Groups
Summer School
24. - 28. August 2009
Universität Münster
Weitere Organisatoren: Arthur Bartels, Wolfgang Lück
L²-Invariants, Measure Theory and Geometric Group Theory
8. - 12. März 2004
Universität Münster
Weitere Organisatoren: Damien Gaboriau, Wolfgang Lück, Andrzej Zuk