Vorträge im AG-Seminar
Das gemeinsame AG-Seminar der Arbeitsgruppen Topologie & Geometrische Gruppentheorie und Metrische Geometrie findet während der Vorlesungszeit üblicherweise Donnerstags um 15:45 in Raum 2.058 statt.
Informationen zu den einzelnen Vorträgen finden Sie auf deren jeweiligen Seiten, sobald verfügbar.
Datum | Titel | Referent |
06.02.2025 |
Automata and groups part 3: Automata and self-similarity | |
30.01.2025 |
Automata and groups part 2: Finite state automata and amenability | |
23.01.2025 |
Automata and groups part 1: Finite state automata | |
09.01.2025 |
The homological Dehn functions of Leary’s groups | |
17.12.2024 |
Strong rigidity for high dimensional analogues of hyperbolic 3-manifold groups | |
12.12.2024 |
The Dehn function of Thompson's group T | |
5.12.2024 |
Spectral gap absorption principle for simple groups | Yuval Gorfine |
3.12.2024 |
Boundary Representations of Locally Compact Hyperbolic Groups | |
28.11.2024 |
The Boone--Higman Conjecture for groups acting on locally finite trees | |
21.11.2024 |
Cohomological properties of Neretin's group | Sofiya Yatsyna |
21.11.2024 |
A fixed point subgroup of neretin's group | Lewis Molyneux |
19.11.2024 |
Non-abelian expansion in octonionic hyperbolic manifolds. | |
14.11.2024 |
On groups whose cogrowth series is the diagonal of a rational series |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
25.07.2024 |
Weakly bounded and bounded cohomology classes: a finitely presented counterexample | |
25.07.2024 |
Coherence of low-dimensional groups | Jonas Seiler |
18.07.2024 |
Hyperbolic groups of cohomological dimension 2 | Rob Kropholler |
11.07.2024 |
Some coarse geometric applications of finitely $\mathcal{F}$-amenable group actions | |
27.06.2024 |
(Non)-vanishing of high-dimensional group cohomology | Benjamin Brück |
02.05.2024 |
A dynamical criterion for vanishing homology growth | |
18.04.2024 |
The length of mixed identities for finite groups |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
27.07.2023 |
Σ-Invariants for nilpotent groups | Kevin Klinge |
20.07.2023 |
Finite quotients of generic free-by-cyclic groups | |
13.07.2023 |
Finiteness properties of subgroups of hyperbolic groups | Claudio Llosa Isenrich |
06.07.2023 |
From symmetric spaces to generalized buildings | |
22.06.2023 |
Kazhdan constants for Chevalley groups over the integers | Marek Kaluba |
15.06.2023 |
Double-coset zeta functions for groups acting on trees: a local-to-global approach | |
25.05.2023 |
Sublinear rigidity of lattices in semisimple Lie groups | |
04.05.2023 |
Combining Papasoglu's trick with simplicial volume | |
27.04.2023 |
Geometry and rigidity of quasi-isometries of horospherical products | |
25.04.2023 |
Degrees of maps and multiscale geometry |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
30. 03. 2023 |
The L^1-metric on Diff_0(M,area) | |
09.02.2023 |
The space of metric structures on hyperbolic groups | |
26.01.2023 |
An l_1-norm inequality for complete manifolds | |
19.01.2023 |
Group actions with spectral gap on surfaces | |
12.01.2023 |
C^0 local rigidity of boundary actions by higher rank lattices (part II) | |
22.12.2022 |
C^0 local rigidity of boundary actions by higher rank lattices (part I) | |
08.12.2022 |
C^0 local non-rigidity of boundary actions of nonpositively curved lattices | |
24.11.2022 |
Quantum mechanics and semi-definite optimization | Marek Kaluba |
10.11.2022 |
Solvable, maximal and singular subgroups of arithmetic lattices | Alessandro Carderi |
03.11.2022 |
Algebraic fibring and L^2-Betti numbers | |
27.10.2022 |
Lie groups with a small space of metric structures | Gabriel Pallier |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
28.07.22 |
Embedding amenable groups into a hyperbolic space | |
21.07.22 |
Half free, half direct | Maxime Gheysens |
14.07.22 |
Fungible obstruction to embedding 2-complexes in 4-space | Tam Nguyen Phan |
30.06.22 |
Higher Property (T) - Part 2 | Roman Sauer |
23.06.22 |
Higher Property (T) | |
12.05.22 |
The cost of point processes on groups | |
06.05.22 |
Virtually free groups are Hilbert-Schmidt stable | |
21.04.22 |
On twisted l^2-Betti numbers |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
10.02.22 |
L1 full groups of flows | François Le Maître |
03.02.22 |
Kähler groups and finitely generated groups acting on trees | Francisco Nicolás |
27.01.22 |
Trees beyond the line | Michele Triestino |
16.12.21 |
Computer proofs for Property (T), and SDP duality | Martin Nitsche |
09.12.21 |
Allosteric actions of surface groups | Matthieu Joseph |
02.12.21 |
On the nature of subgroups of direct products of free groups | Claudio Llosa Isenrich |
25.11.21 |
Homology growth of right-angled Artin group | Boris Okun |
24.11.21 |
Variations of a conjecture of Singer | Grigori Avramidi |
04.11.21 |
Piece by piece, we make our groups full | Alessandro Carderi |
28.10.21 |
Maps with small pre-images | Tam Nguyen-Phan |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
08.07.21 |
On property (T) for SL(n,Z) and Aut(F_n) | Marek Kaluba |
01.07.21 |
On Wedderburn-Artin decomposition and property (T) for Aut(F_5) | Marek Kaluba |
24.06.21 |
Computational aspects of Kazhdan’s property (T) | Marek Kaluba |
17.06.21 |
Classical techniques for establishing Property (T) | Tobias Hartnick |
10.06.21 |
Properties of Kazhdan- and Haagerup-type in the context of modern analytic group theory | Tobias Hartnick |
13.05.21 |
Virtual fibering and group rings of RFRS groups, II | Kevin Klinge |
06.05.21 |
Virtual fibering and group rings of RFRS groups, I | Kevin Klinge |
29.04.21 |
Introduction to BNS-invariants | Claudio Llosa |
22.04.21 |
More on group algebras and skew-fields | Roman Sauer |
15.04.21 |
Kaplansky’s conjectures | Giles Gardam |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
18.03.2021 |
Quantitative Topology V | Georg Frenck |
04.03.2021 |
Quantitative Topology IV | Georg Frenck |
25.02.2021 |
Quantitative Topology III | Roman Sauer |
18.02.2021 |
Enlarging Riemannian Manifolds | Daniel Raede |
11.02.2021 |
Quantitative Topology II | Roman Sauer |
04.02.2021 |
Quantitative topology I | Tam Nguyen Phan |
17.12.2020 |
On Novikov rings and flat modules | Kevin Klinge |
26.11.2020 |
On totipotent and highly transitive actions of free groups | Alessandro Carderi |
19.11.2020 |
On the profinite rigidity of higher rank lattices (part 2) | Holger Kammeyer |
12.11.2020 |
On the profinite rigidity of higher rank lattices | Holger Kammeyer |
05.11.2020 |
A funny encounter with immersions of spheres | Tam Nguyen Phan |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
02.07.2020 |
The Euler characteristic of Out(Fn) and renormalized topological field theory | Michael Borinsky |
04.06.2020 |
Refined Alexandrov-topology and the semicategory of chronological path classes | Martin Günther |
28.05.2020 |
tba | Georg Frenck |
14.05.2020 |
Analytic Torsion Part 2 | Benjamin Waßermann |
07.05.2020 |
Analytic Torsion | Benjamin Waßermann |
30.04.2020 |
The noncommutative rank of Lie Groups | Holger Kammeyer |
23.04.2020 |
Introduction to linear algebraic groups | Nico Stucki |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
23.01.2020 |
Hypersurfaces Representing a Codimension-1 Homology Class | José Pedro Quintanilha |
12.12.2019 |
Stable integral simplicial volume of 3-manifolds | Marco Moraschini |
28.11.2019 |
l²-invariants of locally symmetric spaces | Zhicheng Han |
21.11.2019 |
Bounded cohomology, amenable covers, and classifying spaces of families of subgroups | Roman Sauer |
07.11.2019 |
Cohomological Induction and uniform measure equivalence | Thomas Gotfredsen |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
12.07.2019 |
On systolic growth of nilpotent Lie groups and their lattices | Yves Cornulier |
07.06.2019 |
Topology of free factor complexes | Benjamin Brück |
24.05.2019 |
Adelic geometry of numbers | Adrian Lomas |
08./09./10.05.2019 |
Mini-Lecture Series: Dynamics of horospherical subgroups of groups acting on trees | Vladimir Finkelshtein |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
21.02.2019 |
Invariants for Sublinearly biLipschitz Equivalence | Gabriel Pallier |
31.01.2019 |
Arithmeticity and Thinness of hypergeometric groups | Jitendra Bajpai |
24.01.2019 |
Pseudo-arithmetic hyperbolic lattices | Olivier Mila |
17.01.2019 |
Topology of ends of nonpositively curved manifolds | Tam Nguyen-Phan |
10.01.2019 |
Homologieschranken für hyperbolische Orbifaltigkeiten | Hartwig Senska |
15.11.2018 |
Nichtkreuzende Partitionen und deren Automorphismen | Julia Heller |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
19.07.2018 |
Probabilistic finiteness properties for profinite groups | Matteo Vannacci |
06.07.2018 |
Simplicial volume and macroscopic scalar curvature | Sabine Braun |
05.07.2018 |
Reidemeister torsions on 3 manifolds character varieties and incompressible surfaces | Leo Benard |
28.06.2018 |
Geometrie der Coxetergruppen und Anwendungen auf algebraische Probleme | Alexis Marchand |
21.06.2018 |
Analytic L²-invariants and Zeta-Regulization | Benjamin Waßermann |
14.06.2018 |
Profinite rigidity of graph manifolds | Gareth Wilkes |
24.05.2018 |
The Teichmüller TQFT volume conjecture for twist knots | Fathi Ben Aribi |
18.05.2018 |
An introduction to ideal simplicial volume | Marco Moraschini |
26.04.2018 |
Farber sequences of lattices | Alessandro Carderi |
19.04.2018 |
Subgroup growth of right-angled Coxeter groups | Jean Raimbault |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
19.12.2017 |
Betti numbers, L²-multiplicities and an equivariant approximation theorem | Steffen Kionke |
01.02.2018 |
Diophantine properties of groups of total automorphisms | Vladimir Finkelshtein |
21.11.2017 |
Exploring the nature of approximate groups | Michael Björklund |
11.01.2018 |
On characteristic classes of exotic manifold bundles | Manuel Krannich |
17.10.2017 |
Stability of asymptotic representations, cohomology vanishing, and non-approximable groups | Prof. Dr. Andreas Thom |
18.01.2018 |
The Gromov norm for degree 4 classes | Hester Pieters |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
04.07.2017 |
Topology of ends of nonpositively curved manifolds | Grigori Avramidi |
23.05.2017 |
Higher dimensional accessibility and bounding curves on surfaces | Nir Lazarovich |
25.04.2017 | Holonomy perturbations and irreducible SL(2,C)-representations of homology 3-spheres | Raphael Zentner |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
24.01.2017 |
The notion of positivity in contact geometry (RTG Day) | Prof. Dr. Peter Albers |
15.12.2016 | Borel equivalence relations and subadditive convergence (AG Topologie) | Dr. Felix Pogorzelski |
13.12.2016 | On entropy theory beyond amenable groups (RTG Day) | Dr. Felix Pogorzelski |
24.11.2016 | Invariant random subgroups (AG Topologie) | Dr. Arie Levit |
22.11.2016 | Counting commensurability classes of hyperbolic manifolds (RTG Day) | Arie Levit |
18.11.2016 | Holomorphic line bundles on locally homogeneous complex manifolds (Geometrietag) | Andy Sanders |
18.11.2016 | On translated points of contactomorphisms (Geometrietag) | Margherita Sandon |
18.11.2016 | On the linearity of lattices in affine buildings (Geometrietag) | Jean Lécureux |
17.11.2016 | Topological waist inequalities (AG Topologie) | Meru Alagalingam |
25.10.2016 | Group actions on dendrites (RTG Day) | Dr. Bruno Duchesne |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
14.07.2016 |
Thurston and Alexander norms, and the Bieri-Neumann-Strebel invariants for free-by-cyclic groups (AG Topologie Seminar) | Dr. Dawid Kielak |
05.07.2016 |
Random walks in soluble group theory (GGT-Seminar) | Prof. Dr. Peter H. Kropholler |
30.06.2016 |
tba (AG Topologie Seminar) | Prof. Dr. Stefan Friedl |
28.06.2016 |
Simplicial volume of surface bundles and other invariants | Caterina Campagnolo |
09.06.2016 |
Universal L^2-torsion. L^2-Euler characteristics, polytopes and the Thurston norm | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück |
31.05.2016 |
Local-to-Global rigidity for singular spaces (GGT-Seminar) | Dr. Romain Tessera |
12.05.2016 |
Haskell für Mathematiker | Dipl.-Math. Dipl.-Inform. Joachim Breitner |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
28.01.2016 |
On Finiteness Properties of Totally Disconnected Locally Compact Groups | Dr. Werner Thumann |
19.01.2016 |
Geometric and analytic aspects of Higgs bundle moduli spaces (GGT-Seminar) | Dr. Jan Swoboda |
22.10.2015 |
Strong Novikov conjecture for virtually nilpotent groups | Dr. Alexander Engel |
20.10.2015 |
C*-simplicity and the amenable radical (GGT-Seminar) | Adrien Le Boudec |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
23.07.2015 |
Torus actions and positive curvature in small dimensions | Dr. Lee Kennard |
16.07.2015 |
Simplicial volumes of amenable manifolds | Prof. Dr. Clara Löh |
02.07.2015 |
Kaplansky’s zero-divisor conjecture, the unique product property, and CAT(0) cubulation | Mag. Markus Steenbock |
09.06.2015 |
Positive Scalar Curvature and Stable Homotopy Theory (GGT-Seminar) | Prof. Dr. Johannes Ebert |
21.05.2015 |
Beschränkte Kohomologie und partielle Differentialgleichungen | Dr. Andreas Ott |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
05.02.2015 |
Local rigidity and the Farrell-Jones Conjecture | |
20.01.2015 |
Group actions on Sasakian manifolds (GGT-Seminar) | |
16.12.2014 |
Bounded cohomology of acylindrically hyperbolic groups (GGT-Seminar) |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
15.07.2014 |
Bounding lengths of closed geodesics on 3-manifolds with lower curvature bounds (Kolloquium) | |
22.05.2014 |
Positive Ricci curvature on highly connected manifolds |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
28.01.2014 |
Geometrie und Dynamik diskreter Untergruppen von halbeinfachen Liegruppen (Kolloquium) |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
18.07.2013 |
Topological obstructions to positive curvature and symmetry | |
09.07.2013 |
Invariante 4-Formen und symmetrische Räume (Kolloquium) | |
04.07.2013 |
An Introduction to Asymptotic Dimension and Decomposition Complexity | |
27.06.2013 |
Uniformly finite homology | |
25.06.2013 |
Positive Skalarkrümmung: Existenz und Klassifikation (Kolloquium) | |
13.06.2013 |
Zur Topologie von positiv gekrümmten Mannigfaltigkeiten mit Symmetrien |
06.06.2013 |
The Higgs bundle moduli space and L^2-cohomology | |
23.05.2013 |
The rho-invariant and the local cohomology approach to KO-homology |
Dr. Malte Röer |
02.05.2013 |
Some spectral computations of random walk operators - more details | |
30.04.2013 |
Some spectral computations of random walk operators (GGT-Seminar) | |
25.04.2013 |
From representation spaces to quantum invariants of graphs | |
18.04.2013 |
L2-invisibility and a class of local similarity groups |
Werner Thumann |
Datum | Titel | Referent |
16.01.2013 |
Relative Bounded Cohomology | |
15.01.2013 |
An introduction to Bounded Cohomology | |
10.01.2013 |
Group actions on compact spaces (Kolloquium) | |
31.10.2012 |
The simplicial volume of manifolds with boundary |
Cristina Pagliantini |
24.10.2012 |
Die Farrell-Jones Vermutung für Graph Produkte von Gruppen | |
17.10.2012 |
Über L²-Invarianten von Gittern in halbeinfachen Liegruppen |